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dam up

1.seal with a dam;hold back by means of a dam 筑坝拦水

They have dammed up the valley and built a reservoir.他们已经在山谷里筑了坝,建造了水库。

2.hold back;restrain(a feeling,etc.)抑制(感情等)

She not only did her best to dam up her sorrows,but went in for her work even more energetically than ever before.她不仅竭力抑制内心的悲痛,而且以更加充沛的精力投入了工作。

He dammed up his fury until he could no longer remain silent.他一直到忍无可忍时才大发雷霆。

We should do our best to dam up inflation.我们应尽一切努力来制止通货膨涨。

damp down

1.make(a fire)burn more slowly 减弱(火势)

She damped the fire down for the night.她把炉火封上过夜。

2.make sad or dull 使沮丧;使扫兴

Nothing could damp down his spirits.任何事情都不能破坏他的兴致。

Difficulties and failures did not damp down his enthusiasm.困难和失败都没有挫伤他的积极性。

3.diminish 减少;缩小

Inflation is being damped down.通货膨涨的势头正在被抑制。

dash down

1.throw down voilently 猛摔

He dashed the cup down in his anger.他一怒之下摔了茶杯。

2.move quickly down or along 沿着…飞奔

The horses dashed down the hill.这些马从山上飞奔而下。

dash off

1.hurry away;rush off violently匆匆离去;猛冲而去

He has dashed off to London on an urgent business.他因急事匆忙赶往伦敦去了。

I must dash off now.我必须立刻离开。

2.write or draw very quickly 匆忙完成;草就

He dashed off the article before supper.他在晚饭前匆忙完成了这篇文章。

I just dash off a letter to him.我要给他赶写一封信。

date from/date back to

1.have existed since;go back to;trace back to 始于(某一历史时期);源于;追溯到

Insurance dates from the 17th century.保险始于17世纪。

The castle dates back to the 14th century.这城堡建于14世纪。

The custom dates back to the time of the Roman Empire.这种风俗可以回溯到古罗马时期。

The traditional friendship between our two peoples dates back to ancient days.我们两国人民之间的传统友谊可以追溯到遥远的过去。

2.be addressed from a place(信)由某处寄出

The letter dates from New York.这封信是从纽约寄来的。

dawn on/upon

become gradually known to 逐渐明白

It dawned upon us that he was unwilling to help.我们逐渐明白了,他是不愿意帮助的。

It suddenly dawned on her that her youth was gone.她突然意识到,自己的青春时光已经一去不复返了。

The truth finally dawned on him.他终于开始明白事情真相了。

The idea suddenly dawned upon me.我突然想到了那个念头。

day after day

every day 日复一日;每天

He has to work from morning till night day after day.他每天不得不从早干到晚。

day by day

day after day;each day 每天;一天天地

Day by day,he seems to grow a little stronger.他似乎一天一天地长强壮起来了。

The weather is getting warmer and warmer day by day.天气一天一天地变暖和了。

day in and day out

day after day;continuously 日复一日地;每天

Day in and day out he gave the same excuse for his laziness.他日复一日地以同样的借口为他的懒惰开脱。

I dislike my neighbours because day in and day out they play their stereo loudly.我不喜欢我的邻居,因为他们每天把音响开得声音很大。

He always works day in and day out in one week,so Sundays are the only free days he has.他一周内不停地工作,因此只有星期日才有空。

deal in

1.trade in;buy and sell 做买卖

The new shop deals in woolen goods.这家新商店经营毛织品。

The garage deals in gasoline,machine oil,tires,etc.这家汽车修理厂经销汽油、机油和车胎等商品。

2.be engaged in;be busy with 从事;忙于

She deals in foreign affairs.她从事外交活动。

She deals in gossip and slander.她常搬弄是非和造谣中伤。

deal with

1.treat;take actions about;be concerned with 处理;对付;论述;涉及

The man is hard to deal with.这个人很难对付。

It is becoming increasingly difficult to deal with the problems of traffic in big cities.对付大城市的交通问题变得日益困难。

His latest work deals with the Second World War.他的新书的内容是关于第二次世界大战。

2.have a relationship with sb.,esp.in business matters 与…有来往;与…有生意来往

He has been dealing with this shop for twenty years.他同这家商店打了20年交道。

decide against

make a decision not in favour of 决定不

I have decided against going far away in summer vacation.暑假我决定不出远门。

The government has decided against increasing taxes.政府决定不增加税款。

The court decided the case against the plaintiff.那法院的判决对原告不利。

decide on/upon

make a choice or decision after consideration 经考虑后选定或决定

The committee has decided on the prizewinning students.委员会已经选定了获奖的学生。

Don't decide on important matters too quickly.重要的事情不要匆忙做决定。

They decided upon adjourning the session.他们决定休会。

As soon as they decided on the plan,they took action.他们一旦确定了计划就立即行动。

deck out/up

decorate;dress 装饰;打扮

She's all decked out and ready to go.她已打扮好,准备出门。

The park was decked up with banners and coloured lights.公园里装饰了旗帜和彩灯。

On the Spring Festival children are decked out in their finest clothes.春节孩子们都穿上了最漂亮的衣服。

declare off

make a formal announcement to break off;withdraw from a promise,etc.宣布取消;取消允诺等

Unfortunately,their engagement was declared off.很遗憾,他们的婚约已宣布解除。

What a pity they declared off the agreement they had come to only after great effort.太遗憾了,他们经过努力达成的协议被宣布无效。

The match was declared off.比赛取消了。

dedicate to

1.give oneself completely to 献身于

She dedicated her life to the cause of education.她把毕生的精力献给了教育事业。

He dedicated all his life to the liberation and prosperity of the Chinese nation.他把一生都献给了中华民族的解放和富强。

2.write in honour of 将书题献给

The writer dedicated the book to her father.作者谨以此书献给她父亲。

deduce from

arrive at(knowledge,a theory,etc.)by reasoning 推理;推想;演绎出(知识理论)

We can deduce the development of a culture from archaeological remains.我们可以根据古迹推断出一种文化的发展。

defer to

yield to;show reapect towards 顺从;尊敬

I shall defer to your advice,which has always been helpful.我将遵从你的建议,它总是很有帮助。

We all defer to him in these matters.这类事情上我们都听他的意见。

deliberate on/over/upon

consider;think over carefully 仔细考虑

We are still deliberating over the matter.我们仍在仔细考虑这个问题。

We have deliberated on your proposal.我们对你的建议已经仔细考虑了。

delight in

take great pleasure in 喜爱;取乐

Mary delights in her new house.玛丽非常喜爱她的新居。

He always delights in doing good.他总喜欢做好事。

deliver over/up

hand over 移交 The former secretary delivered all the files over to his successor.前任秘书把所有的公文箱移交给他的接班人了。

He's delivering over the post now.他正在办理移交手续。

We delivered the thief over to the police.我们把小偷交给了警察。

The thief delivered himself up to the police.那个小偷向警察自首。

deny oneself

be unselfish in not having sth.克己;自律;放弃

By denying herself,Mother gave the children a good education.母亲含辛茹苦,使孩子们受到良好的教育。

depart from

1.leave;die 离开;去世

The bus departs from Nanjing at 6:00 in the morning.汽车早上6点从南京开出。

His mother departed from life last month.他的母亲上个月去世了。

2.act in a different way from;deviate from 违反;不合;偏离

What she did departed from what she said.她做的与说的对不上号。

Your composition departed from the main theme.你的作文偏离主题。

They applied the new method which departed from the old one in many respects and achieved desirable results.他们采用了一种新方法,与旧方法在许多方面不一样,因而取得了预想的结果。

depend on/upon

1.rely on;rest upon 依靠;依赖

She depended entirely on her father.她完全靠她父亲。

His success depends chiefly on himself.他的成功主要靠他自己。

2.vary according to;be influenced or decided by 视…而定

Whether the game will be played depends on the weather.比赛是否举行要视天气而定。

The development of things depends fundamentally on internal causes.事物的发展基本上是由内因决定的。

dependent on/upon

depending on;relying on 依赖;依靠

Promotion is dependent upon your record of success.晋级的依据是你的业绩。

I am not dependent on my parents for money.我在经济上不依靠父母。

deprive of

cause to be without 剥夺;夺去

You can't deprive her of her rights.你不能剥夺她的权利。

The prisoner was deprived of the right to defend himself.那名囚徒被剥夺了为自己辩护的权利。

Many children are deprived of good education simply because they are born in remote villages.许多孩子没有受到良好的教育,只是因为他们出生在偏僻的乡村。

The failure deprived the physician of his popularity.失败使那位医生名誉扫地。

Lung cancer deprived him of his life.肺癌夺去了他的生命。

derive from

1.get from 从…得到

We derive happiness from good health.有健康的身体就能得到幸福。

She derives great pleasure from reading.她从阅读中得到许多乐趣。

I can't find any substitutes for the personal satisfaction derived from work.我从工作中得到的自我满足是无法用其它东西来替代的。

We can derive the meaning from the context.我们能从上下文推出含意。

2.have its origin in;come from起源于;出自

The word“grammar”is derived from ancient Greek.英语“grammar”这个词源于古希腊文。

These raisins derive from Xinjiang and taste delicious.这些葡萄干产自新疆,味道很美。

descend from

1.go or come down from 从…下来;传下来;遗传

He descended from the tower.他从塔上下来。

The ring has descended from her grandmother.这枚戒指是她祖母传下来的。

The sword descends from the Tang dynasty.这把剑是从唐朝传下来的。

2.have one's family origin in;originate from 是…的后裔

He claimed to have descended from the royal family.他自称是王族之后。

According to the Bible,we have all descended from Adam.按照《圣经》上的说法,我们都是亚当的后裔。

descend on/upon

attack suddenly;visit unexpectedly 突然拜访;突然袭击

Thieves descended on the travellers and took their money.盗贼出其不意地袭击旅行者,抢走了他们的钱。

The enemy descended upon the village at midnight.敌人在午夜突然袭击了这个小村庄。

My two old friends descended on me at Christmas.我的两个老朋友在圣诞节突然来看望我。

desirous of

having a desire for 渴望

She is desirous of comfort and understanding.她渴望安慰和理解。

He is desirous of fame and gain.他追求名和利。

He is desirous of obtaining a position in the management.他渴望在经理部谋得一个职位。

despair of

1.be without hope of 绝望;丧失信心

Don't despair of success;where there is a will,there is a way.别对成功悲观失望,有志者事竟成。

He despaired of winning the game.他丧失了赢得这场比赛的信心。

The patient's life was despaired of.这个病人没有救活的希望。

2.feel very anxious about 非常担忧

She despairs of her son.她为她儿子担心。

destined for

1.intended for 预定;指定

The book is destined for the firstyear students.这本书是指定给一年级学生读的。

That room is destined for the reception of foreign visitors.那间房被指定作为接待外宾用。

2.bound for;headed for (船等)开往

The ship is destined for Hong Kong.这艘船开往香港。

destitute of

lacking in;without 无;缺乏…的

The cruel ruler was destitute of human feeling.那个暴君毫无人性。

He found himself destitute of all means of subsistence.他发现自己缺乏任何谋生的手段。

detrimental to

harmful to;causing damage to 对…有害

Lack of sleep is detrimental to one's health.睡眠不足有害健康。

Overwork is detrimental to one's health.过度劳累对健康有害。

Your criticism could prove detrimental to his success.你的批评对他的成功可能不利。

devote to

give(oneself,one's time,etc.)freely to;dedicate to 致力于;献身于

She has devoted herself to the medical science.她一直致力于医学研究。

The young doctor devoted himself to helping the poor and the sick.这位年轻的医生致力于帮助穷人和病人。

die away

(of sound,wind,light)become weaker or fainter until it ceases 渐渐消失

The noise of the plane died away in the distance.飞机的声音渐渐地在远方消逝了。

The sound of the music died away.音乐声渐渐消失了。

The colors of the sunset died away.落日的余晖消失了。

die down

become more quiet;decrease;lose force;lessen in intensity 减弱;逐渐消失

The loud music died down after the police came.警察来后,吵闹的音乐声变小了。

My anger at him has died down since he apologized to me.他向我道了歉,我对他的气也就消了。

The room seemed warm enough so we let the fire die down.这房间似乎够暖和了,因此我们把火弄小了。

After John left,the party died down.约翰走后,晚会的气氛就减弱了。

die of

die because of(illness,hunger,grief,etc.)因(疾病、饥饿、悲伤等)而死

She died of cancer two years ago.她两年前死于癌症。

Of what disease did the man die?那个人死于何病?

In a severe winter,many wild animals can die of hunger.在寒冷的冬天,许多野生动物可能会饿死。

She died of grief soon after her husband's death.丈夫去世后不久,她因过度悲伤而死去了。

die from

die owing to(a wound,weakness,etc.)死于(负伤,衰弱等)

The man died from the snake's biting.那人死于蛇咬。

The soldier died from the serious wounds.那个士兵严重受伤而死。

The horse died from overwork.那匹马累死了。

die off

1.(a group of living things)die one by one 相继死去

The chickens are all dying off from the disease.小鸡一个个地病死了。

The leaves of this plant are dying off.这植物的叶子正在凋落。

2.become extinct 绝种

It would be a pity if these birds are allowed just to die off.如果让这些鸟绝种,那就太可惜了。

die out

cease to exist;disappear gradually and completely 灭绝;消亡;渐渐完全消失

Many old customs are gradually dying out.许多旧习俗正在日渐消失。

If too many of these rare animals are killed,their kind will die out.这种稀有动物如遭大规模的捕杀就可能灭绝。

differ from

1.be different from 与…不同

The orange differs from the potato in nearly every way.桔子和土豆几乎在各方面都不相同。

2.disagree with 与…意见不同

I differ from him on/about the matter.我在这个问题上同他意见不一致。

different from/than

unlike;not of the same kind as 和…有区别;与…不同

This novel is different from that one in both style and content.无论在文体或内容方面,这部小说和那部小说都不同。

She is very different from her sister.她与她妹妹大不一样。

He is different from what he was ten years ago.他已不再是10年前的他了。

How different life today is than what it was fifty years ago!今天的生活与50年前的生活多么不一样啊!

dig in

1.work hard;begin to work 勤勉工作;努力干;开始干起来

My son dug in and finished his homework very quickly.我儿子很认真,很快就把家庭作业做完了。

If you expect to finish all this work in two hours,you'd better dig in.如果你想在两小时之内完成这项工作,就得马上干起来。

2. begin eating with appetite津津有味地开始吃起来

The boys dug in ravenously.男孩们开始狼吞虎咽地吃起来。

Dinner's ready.Dig in, everybody!晚餐已准备好了,大家吃吧!

3.protect oneself by digging a trench,etc.; cover by digging挖壕沟等以藏身;把…埋在土里

The company commander ordered his soldiers to dig themselves in.连长命令战士们挖战壕,以便掩蔽。

The soldiers have dug in along the river.士兵们沿河边挖了战壕。

Dig this chemical in and crops will grow faster.把这化肥埋进土壤里,庄稼就会长得更快。

4.establish oneself firmly in a position,etc.巩固自己的地位等

He has been working in this department for ten years and he's pretty well dug himself in.他在这个系工作已经10年了,已经站稳了脚跟。

5.stick to one's own idea坚持自己的意见

When facts have shown that you are mistaken,you mustn't dig in.当事实已经证明你错了,你就不应该再坚持自己的意见。

dig into

1.eat heartily; eat with appetite 痛快地吃;大吃

They were so hungry that as soon as supper was served,they dug into it hungrily.他们饿极了,晚饭一端上桌,他们就狼吞虎咽地大吃起来。

2.delve into;investigate thoroughly努力钻研;彻底调查研究

When he digs into a problem he does not give up until he gets to the bottom.他要是钻研一个问题,就非弄个水落石出不可。

The detectives are digging into this whole business.侦探们正在彻底地调查整个事件。

He is digging into Chinese history.他正研究中国历史。

3.apply oneself to集中精力做;全力以赴地干

They dug into their work with a will.他们全力以赴地工作。

4.make inroads on(savings,etc.)侵占;动用(积蓄等)

They were forced to dig into savings to pay their current debts.他们被迫动用存款偿付债务。

dig out

1.remove by digging;discover by digging挖走;发掘出

The gardener dug out the weeds.园林工人铲除了杂草。

They are digging out a large ancient tomb.他们正在发掘一座古墓。

2.make bg digging挖;掘成

They are digging out a tunnel.他们正在挖一条地道。

3.release; rescue by digging通过挖掘救出

He was buried under the avalanche and had to be dug out.他被埋在雪堆中,必须把他救出来。

The rescuers managed to dig out the trapped miners.救护人员设法挖出了困在矿下的工人。

Some people are still being dug out of the ruins of the building.人们仍在挖掘压在建筑物废墟里的一些人。

4.find out;obtain发现;取得

Through investigation they have dug out all the facts.通过调查,他们已弄清了所有事实。

Where on earth did yod dig out these old clothes?你究意是从哪儿翻到这些旧衣服的?

dig up

1.bring to light by digging what has been buried or hidden因挖掘而发现

An old Greek statue was dug up here last month.上个月这里挖出了一座古希腊雕像。

The archaeologists have dug up a remarkable collection of historical relics.考古工作者发掘出一大批历史文物。

These relics were dug up last year.这些文物是去年出土的。

2.make a money contribution出钱

We all dug up to keep the poor on relief last month.上个月我们大家都出钱救济穷人。

3.find or get sth. with some effort发现;找到

The girl dug up some useful material for her English composition.这女孩为写她的英文作文找到了一些有用的资料。

The newspaper loves to dig up scandals.报纸喜欢揭露丑闻。

He always manages to dig up a fresh excuse for being late.他总能为他的迟到找到这样那样的新借口。

4.break up(land)by digging;remove from the ground by digging 翻土;自地上挖掉

They are digging up land for a new garden.他们正在翻土建一个新花园。

They want to dig these trees up to make the street wider.他们想把这些树挖掉拓宽街道。

dilate on/upon

speak or write comprehensively about详述(说或写)

If there were time, I could dilate upon this subject.假如有时间,我会对此题目加以详述的。

The doctors are dilating on the rare case.大夫们正在讨论这个罕见的病例。

Our teacher dilated on this sentence structure in class.老师在班上对这个句子结构详细讲解了。

dip into

read or study for a short time or without much attention 浏览;稍加研究

I have only dipped into the book but I find quite interesting.我只是浏览了一下这本书,不过我发现它相当有趣。

Some books are to be read seriously,others to be dipped into.有些书要认真阅读,另一些书浏览一下就行了。

I've only dipped into ancient history.我对古代史仅仅有点粗浅的研究。

disappointed about/at/in

unhappy at sth.;not seeing hopes come true对某事感到失望

He felt very much disappointed at his failure to pass the examination.他对考试不及格感到非常沮丧。

What are you looking so disappointed about?什么事使你显得如此失望?

We were disappointed in our hopes.我们的希望落空了。

disappointed with

unhappy/unsatisfied with sb.or sth.对某人或某事感到失望

He is quite disappointed with his secretary.他对他的秘书感到很失望。

I am very disappointed with my new bicycle.我对我的新自行车感到很失望。

disapprove of

1.refuse to agree to不赞成

Jack's father disapproved of his marriage to Jane.杰克的父亲不赞成他与简的婚姻。

I disapprove of your method.我不赞成你的方法。


I disapprove of his way of dealing with others.我不喜欢他的处世方法。

discharge from

send away or allow to leave使免除;使解脱;使离开

Since you were caught helping the thieves,I have no choice but to discharge you from my service.既然你被抓住助贼盗物,我就不得不将你开除了。

Her father was discharged from the hospital three weeks after the operation.他父亲手术后3个月就出院了。

discourage from try to prevent sb.from doing sth.by persuading him that it is not a good idea, or by making it seem difficult劝阻;使不敢

Father discouraged him from gambling.父亲劝他不要赌博。

Nothing can discourage him from attaining his goal.什么也不能阻止他去实现自己的目标。

discriminate against

treat unfairly, as less important or worthy歧视

It is unjust and unlawful to discriminate against people of other races.歧视别的种族是不公正的,不合法的。

Laws do not discriminate against anyone.法律面前人人平等。

You have no right to discriminate against him.你没有权利歧视他。

discriminate from

tell from; distinguish把…同…区分开来;辨别;区分

Some children can't discriminate good books from bad ones.一些孩子不能辨别好书和坏书。

disgusted with/at

having a strong feeling of dislike for厌恶

I am completely disgusted with his rude behaviour and affectation.我非常厌恶他的粗野和做作。

We were disgusted at what we heard and saw here.我们对这里的所见所闻感到厌恶。

We are disgusted with bribery and corruption.我们厌恶行贿和腐败。

dish out

1.serve out in a dish or dishes用盘上菜

She is busy dishing out food to the guests.她正忙着给客人们端饭菜。

2.distribute; provide分配;提供

The government dishes out payments to people without jobs.政府给失业的人发钱。

The teacher dished out the new books to the students in class.老师在课堂上给学生发新书。

The corrupt politician dished out titles and honours to his friends and supporters,many of whom were quite undeserving.那个腐败的政客给他的朋友和支持者封官许愿,他们当中有许多人根本就不配。

dish up

1.serve up in a dish用盘子端上

She dished up a roast turkey.她端上一盘烤火鸡。

The food was dished up when the guests arrived.客人来时,饭菜都盛好端上来了。

2.prepare;serve up facts, arguments准备并提出事实等论据

He dished up a lot of useful facts and figures.他提供了许多有用的事实和数据。

She can dish up the story in a humorous way.她能幽默地把这故事讲得娓娓动听。

dismiss from

make sb.leave; send away from one's employment解雇;解职

The officer was dismissed from the service for neglect of duty.这位官员因玩忽职守而被撤职。

The clerk was dismissed from the factory for stealing bikes.那个职员因偷 盗自行车被工厂开除了。

dispense with

1.choose to do without不用;无需

We can dispense with his help.我们不需要他的帮助。

2.get rid of免除

Let's dispense with all the formalities and begin our meeting at once.让我们免去繁文褥节,立即开会吧。

The conveyer belt has enabled the workers to dispense with the lifting of the parts by hand.传送带解除了工人们用手工传送零件之苦。

dispose of


We have too much furniture; let's dispose of the old chairs.我们家具太多了,把这些旧椅子卖掉吧。

He disposed of his house for100,000 yuan.他以10万人民币的价格卖掉了房子。

2.get rid of;throw away 处理掉

Please dispose of the waste paper.请把这些废纸处理掉。

The doctor asked him to drink plenty of water to dispose of the sideeffects of the medicine.医生要他多喝水以去掉药物的副作用。

3.eat or drink until it is finished 吃光;喝光

The children disposed of all the food their mother had prepared for them.孩子们把母亲所准备的食物都吃光了。

He disposed of 10 dishes and 5bottles of beer in a very short time.他很快就吃完了10盘菜,喝完了5瓶啤酒。

4.handle;deal with;settle处理;解决

The committee disposed of all its business in an hour.委员会在一小时内就把所有事情处理完毕。

He disposed of all the difficulties and succeeded at last.他排除了所有的困难,最后终于成功了。

disposed to

having a tendency to;inclined to 易于;有…倾向

Some children are disposed to tell lies.有些孩子会说谎。

I am disposed to agree with her.我倾向于同意她的观点。

distinct from

not the same as; different from与…不同

Those two suggestions are quite distinct from each other.那两项建议很不相同。

The two sorts of whisky are clearly distinct from one another.这两种威士忌有明显差别。

distinguish from

1.tell one thing from another辨别

Elephants are distinguished from other animals by their long noses.大象同其它动物的区别之处是象的鼻子长。

We must learn to distinguish friends from enemies.我们要学会分清敌我。

2.show the difference between区别

He can't distinguish right from wrong.他是非不明。

distract from

turn sb.'s attention or thoughts away from使分心;分散注意力

So much noise distracted her from her work.喧闹声很大,使她不能专心工作。

divide by

find out how many times one number contains or is contained in another number除

If you divide 24 by 6,the answer is 4.6除 24等于 4。

divide into

separate into分成

The river is divided into two streams at this point.大河这里分成两条支流。

The teacher divided the class into five groups.老师把班上同学分为5组。

divorced from

completely separated from脱离

His dreams are often divorced frow reality.他的梦想常常脱离现实。

do away with

1.abolish;get rid of;put an end to废除;去掉

The teachers want to do away with cheating in the school.老师们想在学校里消灭作弊现象。

They have done away with the old laws.他们废除了旧法律。

Can you do away with your bad habit?你能改掉坏习惯吗?

We must do away with all manifestations of disunity.我们一定要消除一切不团结的现象。


It is said that they will do away with him by poisoning him.据说他们会用毒药把他干掉。

He did away with his enemies.他杀死了他的敌人。

do for

1.be suitable for适合

The coat will do for Alice.这种上衣艾丽丝穿合适。

You won't do for a teacher.你不适合当教师。

These shoes won't do for mountainclimbing.这种鞋子爬山不行。

2.serve the purpose of用作;充任

The box will have to do for a desk until the furniture arrives.家具来到之前,这个箱子就得当作书桌用了。

This place will do for a gymnasium.这个地方可以做体育馆用。

3.care for;attend to照料;帮…做事;替…管家

Mrs.Black has been doing for the manager for ten years.布莱克夫人为经理料理家务已经10年了。

Mrs. Wang did for me during my illness.我生病时王太太照应我。


He said that he would do for the policeman when he got out of prison.他说他出狱后要干掉那个警察。

Henry received a blow on the head that I thought had done for him.亨利头上挨了一下子,我想这下子已经送了他的命。

5.ruin; finish off;destroy破坏;毁掉

The severe storm did for most of the farm buildings.猛烈的风暴摧毁了大部分农舍。

Our team is done for.我们的队完蛋了。

My camera is almost done for.我的照相机差不多坏了。

6.wear out entirely极其疲乏

At the end of a long day's hard work I'm just about done for.苦干一整天下来,我几乎累垮了。

7.manage to solve or obtain设法解决或得到

How did you do for food during your camping trip?你们野营时是怎样设法弄到食物的?

What will you do for water while you're crossing the desert?你们穿越沙漠时将如何解决水的问题呢?

do justice to

1.treat in a fair way;show the true value of公平对待;公正地评判

We should do justice to everyone.我们应该公正地对待每个人。

To do him justice, he has done something valuable for the Chinese revolution.公平地说,他为中国革命做过一些有价值的工作。

2.be very much alike酷似

The photograph does justice to her.这幅照片极象她。

3.eat to one's full饱餐

The children did justice to the good dishes.菜不错,孩子们饱餐了一顿。

do in

1.murder; kill; cheat谋杀;杀死;欺骗

Her neighbour tried to do himself in by taking poison.她的邻居企图服毒自杀。

The criminals have done in the old man.罪犯们已把那个老人杀害了。

He tried to do her in,but luckily she escaped.他企图害死她,但她很幸运地脱险了。


The horse was done in after the race.那匹马在竞赛后已精疲力竭了。

I felt done in after a long day's hard work.苦干了一整天我感到疲惫不堪。

This hard work did them in.干这么重的活,他们累坏了。

His business was done in by a big fire.他的商行给一场大火烧毁了。

do one's best

try very hard尽力

I don't understand this new plan very well myself but I'll do my best to explain to you.我自己还不很明白这个新计划,但是我将尽力向你解释。

do out

sweep or clean out;put in order扫除;整理

This room needs doing out.这房间需要清扫。

She did the rooms out completely.她把房间收拾得干干净净。

While you do out the diningroom,I'll tidy up the study.你打扫餐厅时,我将整理书房。

do over

1.do again;repeat重做;重复

The secretary did the work poorly,so her boss told her to do it over.秘书把这工作做得太差,因此老板要她重做。

Please do over yesterday's assignment.请把昨天的作业重做一遍。

Do your homework over;it is full of mistakes.把家庭作业重做一遍,错误太多了。


If you don't like the colour of the wall,you'd better do the room over.如果你不喜欢墙壁的颜色,你最好把房间再刷一次。

The redecorating company did my whole house over.装修公司把我的家重新装修了一遍。

After being done over,the room really looks much nicer.房间重新装饰后,确实变得好看多了。

do sb.a good turn

be helpful to sb.;perform a good deed to sb.对(某人)有帮助;对(某人)做一件好事

They did him a good turn by lending him the money during the crisis.他们在危机中把钱借给他,帮了他大忙。

do(sb.)good/do good to(sb.)be beneficial to sb.对(某人)有益处

Outdoor sports will do you good.室外运动对你健康有益。

I don't know what good that would do?我不明白那样有什么好处?

The medicine does good to your headache.这种药对治疗你的头痛很有用。

What good would it do to blame others?埋怨别人有什么好处?

do(sb.)harm/do harm to(sb.)cause injury对(某人)有害

A few drinks will do you no harm.稍微喝几杯对你不会有害。

Leave it alone for a time,talking about it may do harm.把这事搁一段时间,现在谈论这事没有好处。

do sb.out of

deceive sb.in order to gain;cheat sb.从某人处骗取某物

The clever salesman did the child out of all her money.那个狡诈的商人骗走了孩子所有的钱。

She did him out of $1,000.她骗走了他1000美元。


He thinks that they did him out of that job.他认为是他们剥夺了他的那份工作。

The boss did me out of the job.老板把我解雇了。

do up


She did up the dress.她扣好衣服。

Please help me do up the knot.请帮我把这个结打好。

2.wrap up;pack up包装

The books have been done up in brown paper.这些书已经用牛皮纸包好了。

Do up these papers and lock them in the safe.把这些文件包装起来,锁进保险柜。

Please do these things up for me.请帮我把这些东西包一包。

3.repair;improve;renovate;put in better condition维修;装修;收拾

We'll have to do up the old house next summer.我们明年夏天得维修那座旧房子。

The house needs doing up.这房子需要修缮一下。

Let's do up this room first!我们先收拾这个房间吧!

4.make oneself more beautiful打扮

She has done herself up for the party.她把自己打扮了一番,准备参加聚会。

5.wash and press洗熨

Would you please do up my clothes?你给我熨一下衣服好吗?

6.exhaust;make tired疲惫不堪(多用于被动结构)

He had been chairman of the meeting for five hours.He was very done up.他主持了5个小时的会议,非常累。

They were all done up after a whole day's work.一天工作下来,他们都感到疲惫不堪。

He was completely done up after walking so many miles.走了这么远的路,他简直累坏了。

do with

1.treat;deal with对付;处理

The teacher didn't know what to do with the naughty pupil.教师不知道该怎样对待那个顽皮的学生。

What will you do with these imported goods?你们准备如何处理这些进口货?

The play was terrible;half the actors didn't know what to do with their hands.这个戏糟透了,一半的演员不知道手往哪里放。

2.make do;be content with;manage with对付用;对…满意;将就着;凑合用

I will just have to do with what I've got.我只能将就着用我现有的东西。

Can you do with 500 yuan this school term?500元钱这学期你够用吗?

We don't have tea.Can you do with a glass of water?我们没有茶,你能凑合着喝杯水吗?

We couldn't afford fish, so we had to do with meat.我们买不起鱼,只好将就吃点肉。

3.tolerate;endure;put up with 容忍,忍受(跟can或could的否定式连用)

I just can't do with those boastful people.我受不了那些爱吹牛的人。

He couldn't do with waiting any longer,so he left.他不能忍受再等下去,因此走了。

We can't do with such carelessness.我们不能容忍这样的粗枝大叶。

4.find useful or helpful;need;want;be glad to have需要;乐于接受(跟can或could搭配)

After a day's hard work,he could do with a bath and a good meal.辛苦工作了一天后,他需要洗个澡并美餐一顿。

Oh,I could do with a cup of tea.哦,我想喝杯茶。

Your coat could do with a clean.你的大衣需要洗一洗了。

5.work with;be acquainted with 跟…打交道;相处(跟have搭配)

You shouldn't have anything to do with those people.你不要跟那些人相处。

He has to do with computers.他得跟计算机打交道。

I have got nothing to do with the matter.我跟这件事一点关系也没有。


Have/Are you done with the book I lent you?我借给你的书看完了没有?

I wanted to be done with it as soon as possible.我想尽快了结这件事。

He told me that he had done with those people.他告诉我他已不和那些人来往了。

Hitler,having done with his last meal,fetched Eva Braun for another and final farewell to his most intimate collaborators.希特勒吃罢最后一餐,带着爱娃·勃劳恩,与他最密切的合作者再一次作最后告别。

I have done with cigarettes.我已经戒烟了。

do without

manage without没有…也行;不用…也可以

If you don't like it,you can just do without.你不喜欢它可以不用。

If there's no suger for our coffee,we'll do without.如果咖啡里没有糖,我们也行。

I can do without your advice,thank you.谢谢你,我不需要你的劝告。

No one can do without sleep for very long.没有人能长时间不睡觉。

dole out

distribute(food,money,etc.as a charity)in small amounts少量地发放(食品,钱等作为救济品)

The clothes and food have been doled out to the refugees.衣服和食物已分发给了难民。

The government doles out something to help the victims.政府发放了一些救济物品来帮助受难者。

The Red Cross flew to the area of the floods,ready to dole out supplies of food and medicine.红十字会人员飞抵水灾地区,准备发放食物和药品。

doll up

dress up smartly着意打扮漂亮

She dolled herself up for the party.她为参加聚会打扮得漂漂亮亮。

They are all dolled up in furs and diamonds and ready to go.他们用珠宝和皮衣打扮起来,准备出门。

doomed to

fated to meet;bound to注定要

The plan is doomed to failure/to fail.这项计划是注定要失败的。

He was doomed to ill fortune.他命中注定要遭厄运。

double back

fold back;turn around and retrace one's footsteps把…对折;向后折;顺原路返回

Double back the edge before sewing.在缝纫前把边对折起来。

Double the map back so that we can read it more easily.把地图向后折起来,这样我们看起来方便些。

The hunters doubled back the way they had come.猎人们从原道返回。

double up

1.fold as in half折叠

The mat is too thick to double up.床垫太厚了,叠不起来。

She doubled the blanket up.她叠起了毯子。

2.bend,as with pain,laughter,etc.(疼得或笑得)弯腰

They doubled up with laughter.他们笑得直不起腰来。

The impact of the blow doubled him up.这一拳打得他弯了腰。

He was hit by the baseball and doubled up with pain.他被棒球打中,痛得直不起腰来。

3.share one room在一个房间共同生活

“You two will have to double up tonight.”“We don't mind doubling up.”“今晚你们俩只好挤在一起住了。”“我们不在乎挤在一起。”

4.hurry up快跑,赶快

Come on,you fellows.Double up.来吧,伙计们,赶快。

doubt about/of

have doubts about对…表示怀疑

I doubt the truth of this report.我怀疑这项报告的真实性。

There is no reason to doubt of his honesty.没有理由怀疑他的诚实。

They never doubted of their eventual victory though they were prepared for setbacks.虽然他们有现实遭受挫折的思想准备,但从不怀疑,他们将取得最后的胜利。

doubtful about/of

full of doubt对…怀疑;不能肯定

I am doubtful of the news.我怀疑那个消息的可靠性。

Are you doubtful of success?你对成功有怀疑吗?

I feel doubtful about whether to go.是否要去,我犹豫不决。

down on

1.angry with对…生气

Father was down on him for not having passed the exam.父亲对他考试不及格很生气。

The director was down on Jack for being careless in his work.杰克因工作粗心而受到主任的指责。

2.opposed to反对

He is down on the suggestion.他反对这项建议。

down with

1.ill with患病

She didn't come to class because she was down with a cold.她因患感冒而没来上课。

2.get rid of打倒

Down with the laws that have kept us slaves.打倒使我们一直当奴隶的法律。

doze off

fall asleep or partly asleep unintentionally打瞌睡

The old man dozed off by the fire.老人在火炉旁打瞌睡。

The lecture was so long and boring that most students dozed off.演讲又长又枯燥无味以致于许多学生都打瞌睡了。

draft out

write out a preliminary version起草

He drafted out his letter of resignation.他起草了一份辞职报告。

Can you draft out a plan for us?你能替我们草拟一份方案吗?

drag down

1.make weak使衰弱;使拖垮

His illness is dragging him down.他的病正在把他拖垮。

The gambler not only destroyed himself but also dragged his family down.赌博不仅毁了他自己而且也把他的家庭给拖垮了。

The high fever has been dragging him down.高烧使他感到虚弱。

If you marry that man,he'll drag you down.如果你嫁给那个人,他会把你给毁了。

2.pull down把…拉下

The thief was dragged down from the platform by the students.学生们把小偷从台上拉了下来。

drag in

introduce sth.unconnected with the main subject;introduce with an effort插入讨论;硬把…拉扯进来

Don't drag in things that are irrelevent to the topic under discussion.不要把与讨论无关的内容硬扯进来。

Whenever anyone mentions travel,she dragged in the trip to Canada she took two years ago.不论什么时候谁谈到旅游她都要把她两年前去加拿大的旅行硬扯进来。

Why must you always drag this subject in when we are talking?在我们谈话时你为什么总是把这个问题硬牵扯进来?

drag off

lead sb.against his will强拉(某人)

It's no good dragging your father off to the theater since he doesn't appreciate the opera.既然你父亲不喜欢歌剧,硬拉他去戏院也没什么好处。

Dragged off by my friend to the dance in the afternoon,I had to sit up till midnight,writing the paper.因为下午被我朋友强拉去跳舞,所以我只好熬夜写论文。

drag on

last an unpleasantly long time枯燥地拖延时间;过得很慢

The concert dragged on slowly for three hours.音乐会拖延了3小时。

We should speed up our negotiations;they have been dragging on far too long.他们拖的时间太长了,我们得加快谈判进程。

The meeting dragged on for more than six hours.会议拖拖拉拉开了6个多小时。

Time drags on when you have nothing to do.当你无事可做时,时间就过得很慢。

drag out

protract unduly or tediously无缘无故地或令人讨厌地延长

He dragged out his lecture until no one was listening.他的演讲拖得太长,大家都不想听了。

drag up

1.pull up把…拔出来

They tried every possible means to drag up the trees by the roots.他们想尽了一切办法把这些树连根拔起。

2.raise(a child)badly把孩子胡乱拉扯大

These children seem to have been dragged up rather than brought up.这些孩子看来是胡乱拉扯大的,没有很好地扶养。

3.introduce unpleasantly不愉快地牵扯

Must you drag up all these old scandals?你非要把过去的这些丑事牵扯进来吗?

Instead of dragging up their past disputes,the two parties achieved unity through criticism and selfcriticism.双方不是纠缠历史旧帐,而是通过批评和自我批评加强了团结。

draw away

1.move off;pull away离开;拉开;引走

The car drew away as we approached.当我们走近时,车开走了。

The arrival of the teacher drew away the children from their play.老师来了,孩子们不做游戏了。

2.move ahead;move away from one's opponent in a race,etc.跑到前头;在赛跑中跑到对手前面并与之拉开距离

The old man ran faster and faster and at last he started to draw away from others.这位老人跑得越来越快,终于超过别人并且拉开了距离。

The car was faster and soon drew away.小车速度比较快,一会儿就跑到前面去了。

3.isolate oneself孤立自己

She has drawn away lately and we can't find out why.她近来不跟人们来往,我们也搞不清是什么原因。

draw back

1.move backwards;withdraw后退

The crowd drew back to let the firemen through.人群向后退去,给消防队员让出一条路。

The children drew back from the dog when it barked at them.孩子们当狗冲着他们叫的时候退了回来。

2.be unwilling to fulfill不愿履行

The firm has drawn back from its promise.这家公司收回了承诺。

draw down

1. pull down拉下

The sunlight is too strong;you'd better draw down the blinds.阳光太强了,你最好拉下百叶窗。

2.be the cause of招致;惹起

His behaviour drew down a storm of protest from the workers.他的行为招致了工人们的强烈抗议。


The purchasing of arms considerably drew down the country's gold reserves.购买军备花了那个国家的大量黄金储备。

draw forth

call forth唤起;博得

An urgent need may draw forth one's latent abilities.在紧急情况下一个人的潜在的才能会充分地发挥出来。

Their performance drew forth applause from the audience.他们的表演博得了观众的掌声。

Her bitter cxperience drew forth people's great sympathy for her.她的悲伤经历引起了人们的同情。

draw in

1.arrive;come into the station到达;进站

As we reached the station,the train was just drawing in.我们到达车站时,列车刚好进站。

2.bring in;attract to participate in or join;induce to enter吸引;吸引参加;引诱

This play is drawing in large crowds every night.这戏每天晚上都吸引着大量观众。

We must draw in the broad masses to take part in the work.我们必须吸引广大群众来参加这项工作。

The prisoner pleaded that he was drawn in to the commission of the crime.囚犯辩解说他是受人引诱而犯罪的。

3.pull in;breathe in收进;吸入

The fisherman drew in the net.渔民把网收进来了。

He drew in some fresh air.他吸进一些新鲜空气。

4.(the days)become shorter;be more economical(白天)变短;紧缩开支

The days are drawing in as winter approaches.冬季来临了,白昼渐渐变短了。

We must draw in a bit, although essential expenditure should not be cut.虽然必要的开支不能削减,但是我们还是要稍为节约点。

I'm getting short of money.I'll draw in my expenditure.我的钱快用完了,我得要紧缩开支。

draw on

1.come near in time;gradually approach接近;临近

Winter is drawing on.冬天来临了。

The fateful date drew on.决定命运的日子临近了。

2.put on穿上

Help her draw on these boots.It's raining outside.帮她穿上靴子,外面在下雨。

Hastily John drew on his trousers and rushed out into the street.约翰匆匆忙忙穿上裤子,向街上冲去。

3.make use of(money,etc.);take or use as a source利用;动用(钱等)

The company can draw on their vast reserves to pay for the project.公司可以动用其雄厚的储备金来支付该工程的费用。

We mustn't draw on our savings.我们不可挪用我们的积蓄。

A writer has to draw on his imagination and experience.作家必须要利用自己的想象力和经历进行创作。

She kept drawing on her bank account to such an extent that the bank soon notified her that she was overdrawn.她不断从银行取款,不久银行就通知她透支了。

Fat reserves are like bank accounts to be drawn on in the winter when food supplies are limited.脂肪储备如同银行里的存款,供冬天食物来源有限时支取使用。

4.encourage;induce or make sb.continue on his course鼓励;诱使某人继续…

Professor Chen encouraged his students to draw on their speeches freely.陈教授鼓励他的学生们继续自由地演讲下去。

She drew him on to tell her about what had happened.她鼓励他说出所发生的事情。

The feeling that he was near his destination drew him on.他感到目的地在望,这鼓励他继续前进。

He drew the monkey on till he brought it into a trap.他引诱猴子直到使它掉进了陷阱。

draw out

1.take out;pull out取出;拉出;掏出

She drew out her wallet.她掏出了钱包。

He drew out a revolver from his pocket and aimed it at the policeman.他从口袋里掏出一把手枪,向警察瞄准。

2.prolong or stretch拖长;拉长

The director drew out his speech to almost two hours.主任洋洋洒洒讲了将近2小时。

This meeting has been drawn out long enough.这次会议拖得够长的。

The singer draws her notes out too much.唱歌者把调子拖得太长了。

He heated the mental and drew it out into a long wire.他将那金属烧热,并把它拉成一根长的金属丝。

3.(of days)become longer(指白天)变长

With the approach of spring the days begin to draw out quite noticeably.随着春天来临,白天开始很明显地变长了。

4.work out;formulate拟定

The committee has drawn out a plan for the building of the city.委员会已经拟定了一个城市建设规划。

I am drawing out a teaching plan.我正在起草一份教学计划。

The general drew out his plan of action.将军拟定了他的作战计划。

5.encourage or cause to speak鼓励或使某人说出

The girl was very shy,but we managed to draw her out and make her tell us her fiance's name.这女孩很害羞,但我们还是设法使她说出了未婚夫的名字。

6.(a train)move away from the platform(火车)出站

We missed the train by about a minute;it was drawing out just as we arrived on the platform.我们大约晚了一分钟而误了火车,我们赶到月台时,火车刚刚出站。

7.take money from a place of deposit提取存款

She drew some money out from the bank to buy a bicycle for his son.她从银行取出一些钱,给儿子买自行车。

They drew their savings out before they went on holiday.他们在度假前取出了存款。

8.develop;make known or seen 阐述

The teacher drew out the meaning of the poem to his students.教师给学生们阐述这首诗的意义。

draw to/towards

1.attract towards吸引

He has something in his character that draws people to him.他身上有一种吸引人的东西。

2.approach;come near临近

The day was drawing towards evening.天色渐近黄昏。

draw sb.'s attention to

direct sb.'s attention to 引起…注意

The teacher was not wrong to draw the child's attention to the errors in spelling,but he should have centred on the child's ideas in composition.这位老师要孩子注意拼写错误并不错,但是他应该把注意力集中在孩子在作文里所表达的思想上。

He drew my attention to a point I had overlooked.他提醒我注意我所忽略的一点。

draw to a close

come to an end结束;终了

The summer term is coming to a close.夏季的这一学期就要结束了。

The day drew to a close.这一天就要过去了。

draw up

1.prepare;compose;draft(a legal paper,contract,treaty,agreement,etc.)草拟;制定(合同、协议等)

The lawyer has drawn up the agreement.律师制订了协议书。

The two countries drew up a peace treaty after the war ended.战争结束后两国签订了和平条约。

They have drawn up a contract.他们已经草拟了一份合同。

The plan drawn up by the Party committee has been adopted at the meeting.党委制定的计划已经在会上通过了。

2.(a vehicle)come to a stop(车子)停下来

The police drew up outside the house.警察在房子外面停了车。

A car drew up,and a smartly dressed woman got out.小轿车停下了,一个打扮入时的妇女下了车。

3.(of troops,etc.)bring into regular order;set in line(usu.passive)(军队等)使排列整齐;列队(通常用被动语态)

The whole company were drawn up,prepared for battle.全连已列好阵势,准备战斗。

The troops were drawn up,ready for inspection.士兵们站好了队,准备接受检阅。

4.bring near;pull up(on to the shore,etc.)使靠近;拖近;靠岸等

Draw up your chair and let's have a chat.把椅子拉过来,我们聊聊。

The boat was drawn up.船靠岸了。

dream away

pass one's time idly虚度光阴

She dreams the time away.她虚度时光。

If you go on like this, when you get old you'll regret for dreaming your life away.如果你继续这样,当你年老时,你会因虚度年华而悔恨。

dream of

1.think of or imagine想到

The boy dreams of becoming a pilot.那男孩一心想当飞行员。

I never dreamed of meeting you here.我真想不到能在这儿见到你。

We have achieved what our forefathers never even dreamed of.我们已经取得了我们的祖先连想都没有想过的成就。

2.have a dream about梦见

I dreamed of my hometown last night.我昨天梦见了我的老家。

Do you ever dream of me?你梦见过我吗?

3.have hopes for sth.;wish for sth.希望;渴望

For centuries man dreamed of achieving vertical flight.几个世纪以来,人类一直渴望达到垂直飞行。

Scientists now have wonderful drugs of which no one could have drcamed years ago.科学家现在已经掌握了几年前没有人能梦想到的灵丹妙药。

dream up

make up;think up;think of in imagination构思;想出;虚构

Where did you dream up that idea?你从哪儿想出那个主意来的?

He is good at dreaming up a plan which is almost impossible to be carried out.他善于空想一个几乎总是不可能实现的计划。

She can always dream up some new reasons for not doing anything unpleasant.她总能编出不做令人不愉快的事情的新理由。

dress up

1.dress formally;put on smart clothes盛装;穿上漂亮的衣服

The girls all dressed up to take part in the evening party.姑娘们全都打扮起来去参加晚会。

Are you going to dress up for the party?你准备盛装赴会吗?

2.make sth.or sb.seem different;disguise化装;乔装;伪装

She was dressed up to represent a flowerseller.她把自己化装成一个卖花姑娘。

The prisoners escaped by dressing up as guards.囚犯们伪装成哨兵逃跑了。

3.improve;make sth.seem better or more important改进;使某物看上去更好或更重要

This scheme should be dressed up to look more attractive.这个计划应该改进一下,使其更有吸引力。

A fresh coat of paint will dress up the old house.刷层新油漆会使这房子旧貌换新颜。

Your proposal is fine.Dress it up a bit and then send it to the committee.你的建议不错,修改一下再交给委员会。

drink away

1.drink continuously不停地喝酒

In the hotel, the old man was drinking away for hours.这位老人在旅馆里一连喝了几个小时的酒。

2.relieve by taking alcoholic drink 饮酒消愁解闷

You can't drink your sorrow away.借酒消愁愁更愁。

He tried to drink the memory away.他力图借饮酒来忘却这件事。

3.waste(money,time,etc.)by drinking alcohol把(钱、时间等)浪费在饮酒上

Tom drank the whole of his father's fortune away.汤姆喝光了他父亲的家当。

drink in

1.take in;absorb吸收

There is plenty of nitrogen in the air but it cannot be drunk in directly by the plants.空气中有大量的氮,但是植物不能直接吸收。

The thirsty plants drank in the welcome rain.干旱的庄稼吮吸着喜人的雨水。

Although they are old,they drink in knowledge as young students.虽然他们已经上了年纪,但是他们象年轻学生一样如饥似渴地吸取知识。

2.listen with attention to全神贯注地倾听

The boy drank in every word of the sailor's story of his adventures.这男孩全神贯注地倾听那水手讲的冒险故事的每一句话。

Whenever there's any gossip in the neighbourhood,Mrs Green drinks it all in and spreads it as fast as she can.无论什么时候,只要街坊四邻有什么闲话,格林太太总是全神贯注地听着,然后又尽可能快地张扬出去。

3.take pleasure in giving one's attention to(e.g.a sight)陶醉于;欣赏(景色等)

We stood on top of the hill, drinking in the beautiful view.我们站在小山之巅,欣赏这美丽的景色。

Their thirsty ears drank in the delicious music.他们如痴似醉地倾听那优美动听的音乐。

drink to

honour sb.with a drink为…祝酒

Let's drink to the health of the host.让我们举杯祝主人健康。

I propose that we drink to our success.我提议为我们的成功而干杯。

drive at

try or want to say;hint at用意所在

I don't know what you are driving at.我不知道你意图何在。

The students didn't make out what the teacher was driving at.学生们没有弄明白老师的意图。

drive away

1.leave in a vehicle乘车离去

The boy began to cry when his parents drove away.父母开车离去时,那个男孩子哭了。

2.make go away驱走;驱散

She can't drive away her feelings of sadness.她驱散不了心头的悲哀。

drive away at

work very hard at(one's work,etc.)努力做(工作等)

We are driving away at this subject.我们正在埋头研究这个课题。

He is still driving away at the dictionary.他仍在孜孜不倦地编那本词典。

drive back

force sb.to go back击退;使…回

The soldiers drove back the enemy five times in a day.战士们一天打退了敌人的5次进攻。

drive crazy

cause sb.to become mad使…陷于精神错乱

This endless loud music is driving me crazy.这种无休止的噪声音乐快让我发疯了。

drive home to

force sb. to believe or see使…相信或了解

You must drive home to Jack where the present difficulties lie.你必须使杰克清楚地认识到当前的困难。

He can't drive home to us his point.他不能向我们透彻地阐述自己的观点。

Advertisers keep repeating the name of the product in order to drive the message home.做广告的人不断地重复产品的名字以便让人们听清楚他们的广告内容。

drop across

1.pay a causal visit;come across to visit串门;随便拜访

Mrs Barton lives on the other side of the road.She often drops across to have coffee with us.巴顿太太住在马路那边。她经常来串门和我们一起喝咖啡。

On my way back from school I'll drop across at my friend's home.放学回来的路上,我要顺便去我朋友家看看。


I'll drop the book across to you this evening.今晚我把那本书给你带来。

drop away

get away;become less走掉;减少

It was a tedious lecture.The listeners dropped away one by one.演讲冗长乏味,听众一个个都走掉了。

The attendance has dropped away in recent months.最近几个月的出勤率下降了。

drop back

1.fall back in position落后;地位倒退

I've dropped back in work.我的工作落后了。

He has dropped back to fifth in his class.他在班上的名次已经退到第5名。


The unemployment figures dropped back last month.上月的失业人数下降了。

As the medicine took effect,the symptoms dropped back.随着药物的作用,症状减轻了。

3.move or step backwards; retreat退后;撤退

The enemy dropped back before our army's attack.我军还没有发动进攻,敌军就撤退了。

drop down

1.descend or fall quickly下降

The temperature has dropped down.气温已经下降了。

She dropped down into an armchair,exhausted.他精疲力尽,一下倒在扶手椅里。

2.lower oneself quickly俯身

The peasants dropped down on their knees in front of the temple.那些农民在寺庙前跪了下来。

drop in

visit unexpectedly;pay a visit to sb.without telling him beforehand 顺便拜访

Some friends dropped in to tea.几位朋友顺便来喝茶。

We were just sitting down to dinner when my friend dropped in.我们刚坐下吃晚饭,突然我朋友来了。

drop in on

call on or visit sb.unexpectedly顺便拜访

If you are ever in our neighbourhood,be sure to drop in on us.如果你到我们这个地区来,一定要来我们这儿玩玩。

Why don't we drop in on her and find out how she is doing?我们何不进去坐坐,顺便看看她干得怎么样?

drop off

1.fall off掉下

My top button has dropped off and I can't find it.我最上面的钮扣掉了,找不到了。

2.become fewer or less;decline 减少;下降

The number of students has been dropping off recently.近来学生人数减少。

Sales have been dropping off badly.销售额下降得厉害。

Attendance at football matches has dropped off since the coming of television.自有电视以来,到现场观看足球比赛的人就减少了。

3.fall asleep睡着

I was just dropping off when the telephone rang.我刚要睡着,突然电话铃响了。

4.let sb.get down from a vehicle;set down让某人下车;放下

Where do you want me to drop you off?你要我在哪儿让你下车?

Tom dropped me off at the postoffice and I've walked the rest of the way.汤姆让我在邮局下了车,剩下的路我就步行了。

He said he would drop the parcel off at the post office.他说他要在邮局寄一个包裹。

I can drop the laundry off on my way to work.我可以在上班的路上把要洗的东西送掉。

drop out

leave;cease to attend离去;不出席

A few had even dropped out,but nearly half of these had returned to graduate.少数人甚至已辍学,但近一半的人又返校以求毕业。

She has dropped out of society.她已经退出社交界。

When Peter saw that he hadn't a chance,he dropped out of the race.彼得看出他没有获胜的机会时,就退出了比赛。

drop(sb.) a line

write briefly to sb.给(某人)写封短信

As soon as I get to the United States,I'll drop you a line.一到美国,我就给你写封短信来。

drop to one's knees

kneel down跪下

The man dropped to his knees,begging for mercy.那人跪了下来,请求宽恕。

dry off

(cause to)become dry变干;弄干

Dry yourself off thoroughly after swimming,or you might catch cold.游泳之后要把身体擦干,否则可能感冒。

dry out

become very dry变干

We can't use this wood,because it is not dried out.我们不能用这木头,因为它还没有干透。

I don't know when the ground will dry out.我不知道地面何时才能干?

dry up

1.become completely dry干涸

The lake has dried up.那湖干涸了。

2.lose inspiration;fail to produce words;stop talking(灵感)枯竭;忘词;说不出话来;停止说话

His power of invention will never dry up.他的创造力永远也不会枯竭。

The play was good, but one of the actors was nervous and dried up twice in the second act.戏演得不错,但是有个演员太紧张了,在第2幕里有两次忘了台词。

The speaker suddenly dried up in the middle of his speech.演讲者在讲话中间突然说不出话来。

Dry up!Don't say any more!住嘴,别再说了!

I won't dry up;I must say something about it.我不会不说话的,我一定得对这件事发表意见。

due to

1.caused by;because of;owing to;thanks to由于;因为;由…造成

The accident was due to careless driving.这场车祸是粗心驾驶造成的。

What would you say inflation is mainly due to?你认为通货膨胀的主要原因是什么?

He arrived late due to the storm.他由于暴风雨而来迟了。

2.attributable to归于

His success was largely due to his hard work.他的成功在很大程度上归功于他的辛勤劳动。

The credit is due to you.荣誉应该归于你。

Respect is die to older people.年长者应受到尊敬。

The first place is due to the chairman.首席应给主席。

What is the amount due to you?欠你多少钱?

3.expected or scheduled to arrive or be ready;supposed to do 预期的;应到的;预定的

The train is due to pull in at 5:30a.m.火车预定早上5点半到达。

Professor Smith is due to give us a lecture at eight tomorrow morning.史密斯教授预定明天上午8点给我们演讲。

dwell on/upon

1.think, often too much about sth.esp.troublesome;worry over sth.老是想着(某事)

Don'dwell on thoughts that annoy you.别老想着使你烦恼的事。

2.speak or write at length about Sth.详述

The teacher was always dwelling on the boy's faullts.老师总在数落这个男孩的过失。

Don't dwell too much on the subject.这个题目不要讲得太详细。

The speaker dwelled on traffic safety in his talk.演讲者详述了 交通安全问题。




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